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Dictaphone 1740 Mini Cassette Transcriber New

Dictaphone 1740 Mini Cassette Transcriber New
Our Price:  £199.00(Exc. 20% VAT)(£238.80 Inc. VAT)

Our Stock Code:  DIC1740T
Part Number:  DIC1740
Brand:  Dictaphone



** Sorry Out Of Stock **

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Dictaphone 1740 Mini Cassette Transcriber
**Includes the 1740 transcription/dictation machine and power supply only**
Choose your accessories - either foot pedal and headset or microphone

New product with 12 months warranty

The machine features an electronic LCD displays tape counter & letter/cue alert with
volume, tone, auto backspace and speed controls.
Headset or speaker switch.
The following information applies when used with optional microphone.
This mini cassette desktop dictation unit includes a last-word locator
that allows you to go back to review information that recorded earlier in a document,
then resume recording at the exact spot where the dictating is left off 
The Unit gives an alert/warning tone when and end-of-letter, priority or instruction cue is encountered.

Package contents:
Dictaphone 1740 transcription/dictation machine
Dictaphone power supply

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